There is no negativity or full on confrantions on my wordpress. Because this is meant to be fun and good talk about music and it’s instruments and lastly EVERYONES opinion is welcome and no question is a stupid one. I will not tolerate that kind of shit. 🙂

Like and commenting on blogs.

I promise I will get around to more of peoples blogs asap. At the moment I’ve only done about 6 and I’ve got to tell you it’s very rewarding commenting, liking and helping someone out with there blog by supporting them or maybe just slighlty correcting them but in the end it’s alot of fun and I’ve seen and liked alot of amazing blog pages!!!!

Changing the subject a little bit.

Ok I thought I’d discuss some songs. I’d like to hear your facourites of the week!!!

My favourites at the moment are: wingers – easy come easy go
W.A.S.P – wildchild
Iron maiden –  2 minutes to midnight
Quiet riot – young and the wild
Huey lewis – hip to be square 🙂
Dragon – rain

Very 80s yes but I still love it :).

My cheap bass/guitar suggestions for a tight budget :)

Alright guys, for this segment I’d like suggest some cheap guitar gear for those just starting or are looking for an alternative bass and are on a budget.

For the bass players out there suggestion is a standard samick bass which has standard p bass pick ups and 1 jazz style pick up. These are great cheaps basses and you can really give them a thrashing, they’ll never let you down and they can play all styles :). Don’t go and buy that greg bennett samick crap because they’re double the price of a standard samick and do the same thing.

My guitar suggestion of the week is the squier series of guitars made by fender because they are very versatile in playing all the styles you want, they are very cheap and if you can’t afford a fender they make really deluxe models of squiers called ‘fender squier stratocaster deluxe which is basicly a normal fender stratocaster. The only fualt I can give is after long periods of time the necks on these guitars tend to bend or warp a bit so be aware of that.

Thanks heaps guys :).